One-Hour Virtual Natal Chart Reading, Natal Astrology, Natal Reading, Natal Astrology Reading, Virtual Natal Chart Reading, Astrology
Normaler Preis $145.00So excited!!! to be able to offer this opportunity for you to have a one-on-one virtual Natal Chart Reading with Astrologer Tara Redfield.
In this 60-minute reading, Tara will look at your natal birth chart — the snapshot of the sky the moment you were born. Each placement of the individual planets offers great insight into our life’s purpose. Tara will look at and share with you your personal strengths and any embedded challenges that may be holding you back from living your life to its full potential.
Tara Redfield is an Astrologer currently based in Bend, Oregon. She offers private chart readings and teaches beginner astrology courses virtually with the Los Angeles Astrology School. Her astrology insight has been featured on the popular lifestyle site Bustle and she is an occasional guest on the astrology podcast, The Inside Connection. She is also a member of the Scottish Astrological Association.
You can visit her website @ https://www.anotherdaygreener.com/book-now
>>> Length of Reading / 60-Minutes
>>> PDF of Natal Chart